ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ACM ISS 2018), formerly known as the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS), is the premier venue for research in the design, development and use of new and emerging interactive surface technologies and interactive spaces.
ACM ISS 2018 welcomes original, high-quality research and industry contributions that advance the state-of-the-art in the area of interactive surfaces, interactive spaces and novel interface technologies. Beyond the traditional scope of the conference – i.e., interactive tabletops, large displays, multi-display systems, mobile and mini devices – we also encourage contributions focused on the use of space and technology around us to bridge the gap between our digital and everyday lives, such as interactive 3D spaces, on-body sensors or interactive architecture. We also encourage contributions focused on understanding individual and group needs related to interactive surfaces and interactive spaces, and the impact on individuals and groups of these technologies. We embrace innovations in a wide variety of areas including design, software, hardware, understanding of use, and applications or deployments of such interactive systems.
The conference welcomes contributions on a wide range of topics relating to interactive surfaces and spaces as well as novel interface technologies, including (but not limited to):
We invite paper submissions of papers with variable length (from 4 pages to a max. of 10 pages *excluding references*) of two possible types: academic and application (read on for an explanation of the difference). Paper length should be proportional to its contribution. A new idea presented in a compact format is more likely to be accepted than the same idea in a long format. Papers shorter than 4 pages or longer than 10 pages (excluding references) will not be considered.
All papers must be submitted as a single PDF file in the ACM SIGCHI format (2015 Paper and Notes version). When appropriate, authors are also highly encouraged to submit supplementary materials such as video or data. All submissions should be anonymized for double-blind review. See the ISS 2018 website for details on anonymizing papers and supplemental materials, as well as for details on submitting papers to the submission system.
Papers will undergo a high-quality peer-review process by a committee of recognized experts in order to be presented at the ISS conference, be included in the conference proceedings, and be archived in the ACM Digital Library. ACM ISS is ranked as an A conference according to the CORE Conference Ranking. ISS does not accept submissions that were previously published in formally reviewed publications or that are concurrently submitted elsewhere. All papers, regardless of submission length, go through the same rigorous review process.
For more details on academic and application papers see: Academic Papers and Application Papers sections below.
Academic papers must present original, innovative, and forward-looking research. This kind of paper corresponds to the standard scientific track of most HCI conferences. In addition to innovative systems, interaction techniques and studies, we are also open to surveys and other work that discuss the philosophy, trends and community aspects of academic research in interactive surfaces and spaces.
Application papers are open to industrial and academic authors, and will successfully demonstrate how surface and spatial interaction can be applied to real world problems beyond the theoretical or research context, but without necessarily including original software, hardware, interaction techniques, or a formal study. For example, industry members can submit papers to share customer outcomes and iterative improvements over next-best alternatives. For application papers, reviewers will emphasize the connection between the real-world domain and the technology used. This connection may for instance concern a challenging domain, features of a system crucial for the real-world use context, a special design process, practical issues in implementation or deployment, or new business opportunities.
Application papers are published in the same format as academic papers (will be presented during the main conference program, will be archived in the ACM Digital Library which provides free access through its Author-Izer service, and are free to publish), although they are reviewed through a slightly different process based on a rubric.
The following evaluation criteria will be used for application papers:
Real-world Application: The paper clearly describes a concrete application of interactive surface technologies to a real-world domain. The domain is richly described and there is a clear fit between the application and its real-world context. The paper demonstrates a clear understanding of the audience and their needs / values / priorities.
Value Hypothesis: The paper clearly describes the goals of the design or application and how the features work together to enable users to accomplish their tasks.
Design Process and Principles: The design presented in the paper best exemplifies relevant patterns, principles and practices that have been proven in ISS community research. The links between research and application are clearly explained. Each iteration of the design process is clearly described; logical reasoning behind feature changes is articulated.
Next Best Alternative: The paper helps the reader understand the competitive design space, and what needs the application fills within that space.
First-time submitters in the application track are encouraged to apply for paper guidance well in advance of the submission deadline if deemed necessary (write to
All papers will be reviewed by at least two external reviewers and a member of the program committee. After the review cycle a submission will receive either a "Conditional Accept" or "Reject" decision. Some papers might be invited to do significant revisions, through a “shepherding” process whereby an Program Committee member will guide the author(s) through a set of required changes before final acceptance is offered by the Program Committee. Please do not submit extended abstracts or incomplete papers. As in the past, submit fully-completed, relevant, and publishable papers only. Incomplete, off-topic, or otherwise non-competitive submissions will be desk-rejected without review.
All accepted papers *must be presented as an oral presentation* at the conference, by one of the authors of the paper. The presenting author must register for the full conference.
In accordance with SIGCHI guidelines, ISS 2018 will have a “Best of ISS” awards program for accepted papers. Best paper awards will be awarded to papers in both the academic and application paper categories, and papers from either category will be considered for honorary mention awards. The program committee will nominate papers for these awards. In addition, we will continue to award a paper from the ITS/ISS conference series with a 10-year impact award.
Papers of either submissions category (Academic or Application) can be 4 pages to a max. of 10 pages excluding references. There are no page restrictions on the Reference section included at the end of the paper.
Paper length should be proportional to its contribution. A new idea presented in a compact format is more likely to be accepted than the same idea in a long format. Papers shorter than 4 pages or longer than 10 pages (excluding references) will not be considered.
Final versions of accepted papers must be formatted according to the instructions we provide.
All submissions should be anonymized for double-blind review. This means that your paper and any supplementary video materials should have authors' names and affiliations removed and should avoid obvious identifying features. Citations to your own relevant work should not be anonymous, but please cite such work without identifying yourself as the author. For example, say "Prior work by Smith et al. [1]" instead of "In my prior work".
Confidentiality of submitted material will be maintained. Upon acceptance, the titles, authorship, and abstracts of papers will be published online in the advance program. Submissions should contain no information or material that will be proprietary or confidential at the time of publication, and should cite no publication that will be proprietary or confidential at publication time.
When appropriate (such as for submissions introducing applications, novel systems, or interaction techniques), authors are encouraged to submit a supplementary video file (not to exceed 3 minutes in length and 50 MB in size).
Copyright release forms must be signed for all accepted papers before they will be included in the proceedings, which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library. ACM offers various copyright and publication licensing options. Please refer to the ACM Author Rights page for more information.
Please note that we are using the fairly new PCS 2.0 for paper submissions. To aid SIGCHI in the process of paper submission and management, this system and hence its interface is still in development. You are encouraged to report PCS 2.0 problems or to make interface suggestions to
All authors of accepted Papers and Notes are strongly encouraged to submit a Video Preview: a 30-second video that describes their work. Video Previews will be made available through different media before and during the conference to provide an overview of the conference program (ACM YouTube Channel, conference program application, digital proceedings). Video Previews will also be archived with the paper in the ACM Digital Library.
Video Previews are 30-second videos that can be thought of as an elevator pitch to give a glimpse of your work, and are here to help connect your work with the community at the conference and beyond. They were introduced at CHI 2013 and have been adopted by other related conferences, include ISS 2017. They provide the authors with a great opportunity to publicize their work to a wider audience and to attract more readers to their paper.
The deadline for the Video Preview will be the camera ready deadline of your paper.
These instruction are taken from the CHI 2017 video preview website. Please carefully read them and submit your Video Preview in the dedicated “Video Preview” field of your final submission.
The first 3 seconds of the video must include a title slide, detailing: the title of your paper, author list, affiliations and contact information. The rest of the video should communicate the topic and the message of your work (like an elevator pitch). The video must be appropriate in terms of rights, use of language, viewpoints or imagery, and should not offend any individuals or groups at the conference or elsewhere (we reserve the right to reject videos whose content is inappropriate).
Subtitles should be included to improve the accessibility of your video (recommended). Should you prefer, closed captions can be submitted alongside your video to be uploaded to YouTube. If you choose to do this, please privately upload your video to your own YouTube account, follow the Closed Caption information, then export and submit the .sbv file. This will ensure the correct alignment of captions to your video. Further instructions can be found on the Video Showcase Instructions page and in this step-by-step tutorial.
No advertisement for the conference talk. Video Previews will be archived on the abstract page of the ACM Digital Library as a short video figure to overview your work. Their diffusion therefore goes beyond the conference and should not be seen as a teaser to the presentation. Instead, Video Previews should be thought of as a video abstract to attract more readers to the paper.
Your Video Preview material must conform to the format as described in the submission guide below. We strongly recommend you to read the detailed guidelines from the CHI 2017 website, which list a series of technical as well as production recommendations to help you create a compelling video preview of quality. For inspiration, you can watch the Video Previews of ISS 2017 and CHI 2015 , CHI 2016, and CHI 2017.
Your Video Preview should be submitted to Precision Conference with the camera-ready version of your publication. The following checklists have been designed to help you make sure that your material conforms to the Video Previews requirements. Please make sure that you go through every item of these lists.
Before submitting, we also invite you to check the compliance of your file using the CHI Video Previews Checker. If the subtitles for your video are in a separate text file, please submit them as part of the “Auxiliary Material” of your submission.
For more details, please check the detailed guidelines for CHI 2017.
* Please note: Video Previews are subject to ACM’s copyright policies. Please review ACM’s Copyright and Permission Policy and ACM’s Requirements about 3rd party material.
Please also consider submissions to further ISS 2018 submission categories with later deadlines and separate calls including:
Kentaro Fukuchi, Meiji University, Japan
Stacey Scott, University of Guelph, Canada
Diego Martinez Plasencia, University of Sussex, UK
Coming soon...