Important Dates
June 1, 2018, 5:00 p.m. PDT: Deadline for proposal submissions
(extended to July 9, 2018, 5:00 p.m. PDT)
- July 16, 2018: Notifications
- September 21, 2018: Final camera-ready submissions for tutorial proposals
- November 25, 2018: Tutorial Day
ISS is a premier venue for presenting research in the design and use of new and emerging surface and space technologies. Tutorials provide a broad overview of particular topics in the area of Interactive Surfaces and Spaces from recognized experts in the field.
We invite industry and academic leaders in interactive surfaces and spaces technologies interested in leading a tutorial session at ISS 2018 to submit a tutorial proposal following the guidelines below. Tutorials should focus on topics relevant to the ISS community and can include but are not limited to the following areas:
- Architectural concepts and emerging trends
- Museum and art installation trends
- Interaction paradigms around large surfaces (tangibles, pens+touch, etc.)
- New and emerging body and space sensing technologies
- Overview of social protocols, presence, territoriality, and proxemics
- Evaluation methods for surface applications
- Multi-touch interaction with mobile devices
- Feel, taste, smell and splash user interfaces on surfaces
- ... and other exciting topics!
Tutorials can run from 90 minutes to a full day (the length is up to the tutorial organizers). Tutorial organizers will receive one complimentary conference registration, and one complimentary tutorial registration.
Submitting a Tutorial Proposal
We request a short proposal (up to 4 pages, excluding references) in the SIGCHI Extended Abstracts Format. Accepted proposals will be part of the ISS conference proceedings and will be available in the ACM Digital Library.
Please include the following information in your tutorial proposal submission:
- Title of the tutorial
- Full contact information of all tutorial organizers and the main contact person (if there are multiple organizers)
- Topics and objectives of the tutorial and how these are relevant to the ISS community
- Description of planned hands-on activities and topics covered during the tutorial
- Short bio of the tutorial organizers
Please include a single information page (in addition to the 4-page proposal) with the following information:
- A maximum 100 words pitch advertising the aim and objectives to your tutorial
- Proposed tutorial length (90 min, half day or full day)
- Room requirements: tables, chairs, projector configuration, whiteboards, etc.
- Cost of material and hardware (per participant, with list of individual items)
- Maximum number of tutorial participants
Please submit your tutorial proposal using the ISS Precision Conference submission system by the deadline on June 1, 2018.
Tutorials Co-Chairs
Sowmya Somanath, OCAD University, Canada
Junko Ichino, Tokyo City University, Japan