• New! Details of the accepted workshops can be found here.

Important Dates

  • June 1, 2018, 5:00 p.m. PDT: Deadline for proposal submissions
    (extended to July 9, 2018, 5:00 p.m. PDT)
  • July 16, 2018: Notifications
  • September 21, 2018: Final camera-ready submissions for workshop proposals
  • November 25, 2018: Workshop Day


We invite researchers and practitioners working in the field of interactive surfaces and spaces to submit workshop proposals for ISS 2018. ISS Workshops provide a unique opportunity to discuss ideas, challenges and new work around more specific topics in the area interactive spaces and surfaces.

We welcome proposals from a large variety of topics and domains. Examples topics include but are not limited to:

  • Architectural concepts and emerging trends
  • Museum and art installation trends
  • Interaction paradigms around large surfaces (tangibles, pens+touch, etc.)
  • New and emerging body and space sensing technologies
  • Overview of social protocols, presence, territoriality, and proxemics
  • Evaluation methods for surface applications
  • Multi-touch interaction with mobile devices
  • Feel, taste, smell and splash user interfaces on surfaces
  • ... and other exciting topics!

All workshops will take place on November 25, 2018 and will run for either half a day or the full day.

Workshop organizers will receive one complimentary conference registration and one or two complimentary workshop registrations (one for half-day, two for full-day workshops).

Workshops can be open (free to anyone who registered for it) or closed (attendees need to submit position papers). Please indicate the length and type of workshop in your proposal (see below). Accepted workshop proposals will be part of the ISS conference proceedings and available in the ACM Digital Library.

Submitting a Workshop Proposal

We request a short proposal (up to 4 pages, excluding references) in the SIGCHI Extended Abstracts Format as well as an additional information sheet about the particular workshop requirements (1 page).

Please include the following information in your 4-page workshop proposal:

  • Workshop title
  • Full contact information of all workshop organizers and the main contact person
  • Topic, nature and goals of the workshop
  • Relevance of the workshop to the ISS community
  • Topics and planned activities covered in the workshop and planned activities
  • Program Committee members for the workshop (if applicable)

Please include a single information page (in addition to the 4-page proposal) with the following information:

  • A call-for-papers to your workshop (200 words max.)
  • Link to the workshop website
  • Proposed workshop length (half-day or full-day)
  • Workshop type (open or closed)
  • Room requirements: tables, chairs, projector configuration, whiteboards, etc.
  • Maximum number of people

Please submit the workshop proposal using the ISS Precision Conference system by the deadline on June 1, 2018.

Responsibilities of Workshop Organizers

Workshop organizers are expected to organize and facilitate all proposed workshop activities. We suggest the page limit for workshop papers to be 4-6 pages excluding references using the SIGCHI Extended Abstracts publication format, but it is up to the organizers to make this decision. It is an option for all workshops to have accepted workshop papers included in the companion ISS conference proceedings (in non-archival form), which will be available in the ACM Digital Library. It is the responsibility of the workshops organizers to inform the workshop chairs, if the accepted workshop paper submissions should be excluded from the ACM Digital Library.

Workshop organizers will be asked to:

  • Organize and manage the review of submitted workshop papers (e.g. through a reviewing system such as EasyChair)
  • Set a workshop position paper submission deadline (the recommended deadline is September 1, 2018) and an author notification date (September 7, latest). We will provide workshop organizers a special code for early bird registration that they can provide in the accepted notification to authors.
  • Provide the meta-data of all the accepted papers to the workshop chairs by September 14 (latest).
  • Submit the final camera ready workshop papers by September 28 the deadline set by ACM.

Workshops Co-Chairs

Sowmya Somanath, OCAD University, Canada
Junko Ichino, Tokyo City University, Japan

✉ workshops2018@iss.acm.org