Design and Implementation of the Augmented Volleyball Court

Koya Sato
Volleyball is widely popular as a way to share a sense of unity and achievement with others. However, errors detract from the enjoyment for beginners. To overcome this issue, a novel volleyball environment to support beginners in predicting the ball landing position is necessary. To assist sports enthusiasts, there is a lot of study which provided visual feedback onto the sports field. The difference between previous studies and our proposal is that there is a distance between the ball and the floor of the volleyball court which is the sports field. So, it is not clear whether this kind of peripheral visual feedback is effective. In this paper, we described the design and implementation of the developed system that provides visual feedback to support beginners at volleyball in predicting the ball landing position by projection onto the floor surface. Also, we reported the prediction accuracy of the system. We plan to confirm whether this peripheral visual feedback is effective for volleyball beginners for the future work.

Interweaving Physical Artifacts with Visualization on Digital Media in Museums

Kerstin Blumenstein
Museums and libraries store a huge number of data related to their exhibition objects. Often, these data cannot be presented in exhibitions because of limited space or limited time during guided tours. Interweaving these physical artifacts with data visualization on digital media can help to make these data visible and searchable for visitors independently. Concepts and best practices for such situated visualizations are still rare. Our approach is to utilize the visitor's own device to enhance the museum visit through interactive data visualization. Thus, the visitor gets the ability to interactively gain more information on topics of interest or can link different topics.

Investigating the Impact of Data Transfer User Interfaces on Communication Grounding in Cross-Device Environments

Leila Homaeian
In Multi-device or cross-device environments (XDEs), people can use face-to-face communication and coordination channels to build and maintain a shared understanding about the task at hand (known as communication grounding) during collaboration. Also, in XDEs, people's attention may be focused on personal devices for independent data exploration. Therefore, communication and coordination among team members may require extra effort. In this paper, I propose a method to analyze the cost of communication grounding in XDEs. I also propose two user studies to investigate the impact of digital support for coordinating a specific action, i.e. data transfer, on communication grounding in XDEs.

Somewhat Strange Feeling of Touching, Lifting, and Swinging in Mixed-Reality Space - Psychophysical Analysis of Haptic Illusion Caused by Visual Superimposition -

Yuta Kataoka
Mixed Reality (MR) is technology that can combine the real world and virtual world in real time. It realizes an interactive operation with real objects and virtual objects. In MR space, the appearance of a real object can be changed by superimposing a virtual object. It is possible to create different situations between haptic and visual information by utilizing the features of MR. The theme of the author's research is the examination of how human perception is changed by visual influences, and analysis of the conditions under which change occurs. Until now, it has been confirmed that the weight perception and volume perception are changed by superimposing virtual liquid objects over the real objects to alter liquid movement or liquid volume. This paper outlines current research and prospects.