We are inviting students interested in the field of interactive surfaces and spaces to apply as student volunteers (SV). This is an ideal opportunity to attend the conference and to connect with other members of the community. SVs also receive free conference registration as compensation for their help.

Important Dates

  • August 30, 2018: Application open
  • September 30, 2018: Application deadline
    October 5, 2018: Application deadline [Extended]
  • October 5, 2018: Results notification
  • Conference date: November 25-28, 2018

Once SV selection has closed, all other students who have registered will be assigned a position on the SV waiting list and notified if selected at a later date.

Benefits and Duties

An academic conference can be great fun, but is all made possible by those behind the scenes who make sure everything runs smoothly. So if you apply and are selected to be a Student Volunteer you will be agreeing to:

  • Work for at least 18 hours
  • Show up on time to tasks
  • Attend the orientation session, the morning of Sunday, Nov. 25
In return, you get...
  • Waived conference registration
  • A chance to participate in a conference for innovations on interactive surfaces & spaces, and network with researchers in the field
  • An awesome bright free t-shirt
  • A fun thank-you party!
Student volunteers are vital to the success of a conference. They allow conferences to run smoothly and provide attendees a friendly go-to person for assistance. They are also the heroes/heroines that help resolve any unexpected situations. Their specific duties include: bag stuffing, registration desk, AV assistance, poster and demo setup, badge checking, break monitoring, social media assistance and etc. SVs usually get to attend most of the sessions, even when volunteering.

Arriving and Leaving

SVs need to be available to help throughout the conference. You will need to arrive on or before Sunday morning (Nov. 25) for the SV orientation and be available until the end of the conference on Wednesday (Nov. 28). Also, we strongly encourage you to attend the student volunteer party on Wednesday evening. The time and place for this party will be announced later as we are still scouting the most interesting/unique/fun place in town.

How to Apply to be a Student Volunteer

The following action items are required for your application:

  1. Fill the Google Form for Application and Survey here.
  2. Send email to sv2018@iss.acm.org for confirmation


If you have any questions or problems, please contact the chairs at sv2018@iss.acm.org.

Student Volunteer Chairs

Keita Higuchi, University of Tokyo
Cayley MacArthur, University of Waterloo

✉ sv2018@iss.acm.org