We invite submissions to the poster category of ISS 2019.
The ISS 2019 poster program offers an engaging venue to present and discuss new and developing research. Posters provide the opportunity for researchers to get feedback on early-stage work and work-in-progress, to establish potential collaborations and to discuss the burning issues in ISS 2019 in an informal manner with the larger community during the interactive poster session.
Work that is best suited for a poster submission includes - but is not limited to - preliminary results, thought-provoking and current topics, novel experiences and/or prototypes that have not been fully tested but show great promise, summaries of small-scale studies, design-led explorations of interactive tabletops, surfaces and spaces.
A poster submission will allow you to:
All submissions must include :
The maximum page limit for the extended abstract is 6 pages and includes all figures and references, and must be in the 2015 SIGCHI Extended Abstracts Format. This format utilizes the "Lastname, F.M." author-name reference style, not the more recent "Firstname M. Lastname" convention. The extended abstract should include a concise description of the idea, the results or findings, supporting imagery and figures, and a discussion of the implications of the work to the selected domain. Full literature reviews are not expected, although relevant citations should be included. Your poster should be designed to effectively communicate your research problem, technique, and results. In particular, you should highlight what is novel and important about your work. The reviewers will provide feedback and guidance on your poster design, so it is in your best interest as an author to put effort into your poster design. However, note that only the extended abstract and video (if submitted) will be published in the ACM Digital Library.
The reviewing of abstracts will be single-blind -- that is, your submission should *not* be anonymized but reviewers will remain anonymous to you. As there is only one week after notifications to the final camera-ready deadline, it is not possible to make large changes before the camera-ready deadline. Final camera-ready versions of accepted papers must be accompanied by a signed copyright form which will be provided to accepted authors. All submissions conflicting with one or more guidelines will be removed before the reviewing process to assure that all posters can be reviewed and published on-time (desk-rejection). Your extended abstract, poster design and optional video should be submitted by July 31, 2019 to the Precision Conference System. The abstract and poster design must be in PDF format.
Posters abstracts will be reviewed by the poster chairs with the help of members of the ISS 2019 Posters Committee (see below).
Upon acceptance, ACM will send you a copyright form, which you have to complete. Once completed, we will provide you with the new copyright information to be put on your paper. You can then submit the final version (including the new copyright notice) through the submission system by September 8, 2019.
For each accepted poster, at least one author must register for the ISS 2019 conference. Authors are expected to bring the accepted posters to the conference site with them and be present throughout the poster session.
Tony Tang, University of Toronto Andrea Bianchi, KAIST
If you have questions about Posters for ISS 2019, contact the Poster Chairs